Kazhinji kangani mabhureki akachinja?
Kuumbwa kweBrake Mapaki
Ruva resimbi rinofanira kuunganidzwa kudzivirira ngura; Iyo insulation layer inoumbwa nezvinhu zvisingadzivise kupisa, uye chinangwa chiri kupisa kusimbisa; When braking, the friction block is squeezed on the brake disc or brake drum to produce friction, so as to achieve the purpose of slowing down the vehicle brake, over time, the friction block will gradually be worn.
Kazhinji kangani mabhureki akachinja?
Some old drivers say that brake pads are generally 50,000 to 60,000 kilometers to be replaced, and some people say that 100,000 kilometers need to be replaced. In theory, when the car is driving, the life of the front brake pads is 20 to 40 thousand kilometers, and the service life of the rear brake pads is 6 to 100 thousand kilometers. Nekudaro, zvinoenderana nemhando dzakasiyana, pane-bhodhi uremu, maitiro ekutyaira emuridzi nemamwe mamiriro ezvinhu chaiwo. Therefore, the best practice is to check the front brake pads every 30,000 kilometers on average, and check the rear brake pads every 60,000 kilometers.
Nzira yekuzviedza yekuzvibvunza mapepa
1. Tarisa mwenje wekunyevera. By replacing the warning light on the dashboard, the vehicle is basically equipped with such a function that when the brake pad has a problem, the brake warning light on the dashboard will light up.
2. Teerera kuAudeio kufanotaura. Brake pads are mostly iron, especially after the rain prone to rust phenomenon, at this time stepping on the brakes will hear the hiss of friction, a short time is still a normal phenomenon, accompanied by long-term, the owner will replace it.
3. Tarisa kupfeka. Check the wear degree of brake pads, the thickness of the new brake pads is generally about 1.5cm, if the wear to only about 0.3cm thickness, it is necessary to replace the brake pads in time.
4. According to the degree of response to the brake, the thickness and thin of the brake pads will have a significant contrast to the effect of the brake, and you can experience it when braking.
Kuchenjera kwekutsiva mabhureki mapads
2. Paunenge uchitsiva mapuru eBrake, zvishandiso zvakakosha zvinofanirwa kushandiswa kusundira pombi brake kumashure. Usashandise mamwe maungana kuti udzivise kumashure zvakaoma, izvo zvinogona kukonzera iyo brake caliper kutungamira kukanda mapfumo pasi, zvekuti iyo brake pad yakamira.
Zhuo Meng Shanghai Auto CO CO, Ltd. Akazvipira kutengesa mg& Mauxs Auto Zvikamu Zvinogamuchirwa kuti utenge.